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Showing posts from June, 2012

i love chocolate

sometimes i will ask for something that i do not know.  i cant tell what is it, i cant show what it is, but i can feel it.  i can feel something is missing o r incomplete.. but i find no way to express it out.  So, I asked for something that i love the most from you. to fullfil an empty space that i wouldnt know ..  I love it. and you.

Agree to Disagree?

"The term " agree to disagree " or " agreeing  to  disagree " is a  phrase  in  English  referring to the resolution of a conflict (usually a  debate  or  quarrel ) whereby all parties  tolerate  but do not  accept  the opposing position(s) . It generally occurs when all sides recognise that further conflict would be unnecessary, ineffective or otherwise undesirable. " from Wikipedia. Well, it doesn't work in relationship.

小意外。 小幸福。

因为生病太累意外的将手机留在车上, 而你突然出现在我房门真的是让我大吃一惊。 我的脑海基本上是一片模糊,完全忘了我身后房里那一大片混乱。 当意识慢慢恢复, 我才发现 Opss。。 真糟糕。 既然藏不了, 就让它顺气自然吧! 你的小小一个举动, 足以带给我大大的感动。