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Showing posts from July, 2017
I can feel.. part of me is dying.. 每個關心都是如此讓人沉重 沉重到喘不過氣 我好像忽然明白你爲什麽會想走了 因爲你 也喘不過氣了 連呼吸都不能自由的時候 愛 還重要嗎。。

A Reason to Stay

Cinta Pura Pura  (Vodka, Peach Liquor, Violet Liquor, Cava, Cotton Candy)  @ Suzie Wong 今天Yan & Janet 很有默契的,各自送了我一首歌--   Lady Gaga- Million Reasons   和 Adele- Water Under The Bridge 兩首歌的歌詞 加起來成了我的心事。 " Head stuck in a cycle, I look off and I stare.. It‘s like that I've stopped breathing but completely aware.. You're giving me a million reasons to let you go You're giving me a million reasons to quit the show   If I'm not the one for you Why have we been through what we have been through? Have I ever asked for much? The only thing that I want is your love.. If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently Don't pretend that you don't want me Our love ain't water under the bridge.. 第一首歌感覺像你的心情。。 另一首歌是我的心情。。。 也許在你腦海裏閃過很多要分開的理由, 你可曾為我們想過一個繼續的理由? We might have hundred million reasons to walk away, can love be the one good reason for us to stay... ?

Happiness. So Close yet So Far...

幸福曾經離我那麽近 如今卻那麽遠。。 原來最傷人的話, 四個字就能組成了。。 “I LOVE YOU.. BUT..." 耳機傳來曾經你說好聽的這首歌。。 " When I close my eyes I think of you  And the times we've had been through  Even though we are far apart right now  I remember back when you were here with me  How you've make my world complete   B ut now i'm left alone  We talked about love and hope  Wishing we could start a life our own  I wish that i could live without you  Why did you tear my heart apart  Y ou said you love me from the start  All those painful things you've put me through  But i'm still loving you ...... " 爲什麽要在我們的愛還在的時候放棄呢。。