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AH WAng Is BACK!!!!!!

He is BAck~ my lovely Dog~ ! After missing for 4 days, he decided to back home~!

You THis STupID DOg memang WaSte my tears...... make me crying since today morning.. crying on the bed, crying in the bus, crying in the food court, and crying in the lab...... Memang LEt u GEK SEI~~~ i putus cinta tat time also tak ada cry so much in one day.

Thanks for the Puchong Jaya's Uncle~ who brought him back to his home in the raining night~

This StupId DOg really Very very LUCKY~! Meet the world's kindness uncle~

The uncle is a 'Technician" , he repairs... hmm... swimming POOL~ so Special right~

he found Ah Wang in the friday night~ When Ah wang not willing to eat, he brought Ah WAng to the vet TIm~~~~!! REALly a VERy VERy GOOD mAN!!! I feel WANNA give HIM a BIG HUG!!!! and.. a BIG kISS~ [ if he dun miND]~ kakakakakakaka

~ 好心的uncle~~ 祝福你, 全家
