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Showing posts from April, 2008

Devil’s Saloon in City (Presentation)

If you dun want to have a TERRIBLE hair cut experience , NEVER go to the XYZ saloon IN city!!! The services you might experience, Unskilled hairdresser , who focus on his phone rather than you hair in the whole process.............. And the WORST , probably you will lost your ear and have a wonderful moment in the HOSPITAL !!!! ^o^ Trust me.......... this was the real experience of my friend, so DO NOT GO XYZ Saloon ! -------------------------------------------------- THis is part of our service marketing presentation. Title: THe powerful of Word Of Mouth Director: Brian, (THe paling Smart de) Actress: 4 little Pig. LIly , SHirley , Jackie and ME ME mE We trying to show the audience about the powerful of word of mouth. We strongly believe that, WOM have more significant impact on brand hearsay rather than advertising~~~ the original script: 1) Lily meet Shirley Lily : did u have a haircut Shirley : Ya, I just had hair cut last week. How was it? Lily : it looks so………so special……...


I wondering should I spreading my bad mood around the blog and affect others people’s mood… am I too selfish? I Just tak boleh tahan you know… so this blog u boleh tak mau read.. cos i just cakap tahi nia... langsuang tak ada 营养~ Some incident happens in group meeting today. I memang always ‘Beh SOng’ I know. But sometimes really tak boleh tahan .~~ I am telling you one important things using my broken malay… but you guys already graduated then no use ~ I learn something in this semester ‘project kumpulan’….. which is… ‘jangan satu group dengan KaWxn engkau’ ~ and ‘mata buka besar-besar ’ bila cari Group member … because later on kamu akan 哭诉无门~~~~ and then what happen is, kamu nak tulis dalam blog also masih perlu used malay .. GOSH!!! SAya memang dulan.~ My mood already very very Beh Song for beberapa hari…. sampai hari ini saya terus ‘翻脸’~ they memang melampau!! Walau, mereka tak mau buat de things semua tak mau peduli, WTF, mengapa saya perlu kutip itu ‘ 苏州tahi’~ SAya 忍臭kutip...


Instructions : Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question,make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list,list them out at the end of this post .Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. 1. What is your pet's name ? my family de pets.... Ah Wang, XIao HUang, xiAO Hei~~ 3 stupid dogs.. 2. What is your most favorite thing to do? Makan-InG and Kepo-Ing 3. Three things you plan to do before you die. Take a niCe photo for 车头照, spend all my money for makan, remind my family and kawan not to miss me, cos i will call them or visit mereka always when i settle all the things. 4. If you have a close close close friend since childhood who likes to take away whatever you like,including guys/girls,and he/she always wins,will you still consider him/her your friend? of cos yup. i think.. she is the one who knows me well. 5.If you have 1 dream to come true, what would it be? The best answer contribute by yan~ "To have all my dreams come tru...


SOCIALISM: 社会主义 You have 2 cows. You give one to your neighbour. COMMUNISM : 共产主义 You have 2 cows. The State takes both and gives you some milk. FASCISM: 法西斯主义 You have 2 cows. The State takes both and sells you some milk. NAZISM : 纳粹主义 You have 2 cows. The State takes both and shoots you. BUREAUCRATISM : 官僚作风 You have 2 cows. The State takes both , shoots one , milks the other , and then throws the milk away. TRADITIONAL CAPITALISM:传统资本主义 You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull . Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows . You sell them and retire on the income MANTONIO-ISM: You have two giraffes . The government requires you to take harmonica lessons. AN AMERICAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows. Later, you hire a consultant to analyse why the cow has dropped dead. ENRON VENTURE CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of creditopened by y...

Messy Cindy

Mess Up EveryThing...... 这就是我,最常做的事 THe one I Paling Care... i Missed... 我越在乎的事, 永远都做不到最好 The One i think I can Do it..... I Failed.... 我以为很简单的事, 我还是做不到 very disappointed and sad..... it take off my breath... 失望与难过向我侵袭, 我快不能呼吸 ... I am not that tough as i thought. , 只有尝到眼泪的味道,我才知道,我一点都不坚强 seems like, without you, i can't do nothing. 没有你在,我什么都做不好 Can't imagine wat will happens in following weeks. 不敢也无法想象以后的日子 I wish that you are here. :( 我好希望, 你一直在我身旁。 ----------------------------------- 09:43p.m. 谢谢你,分担了我一半泪水的重量。


The incident happens at LilY's doggy make me miss my Ah waNg very much~~~ I called back home and asked my luku sis bawa Ah wang go upstair and show he to me through  webcam * at first, this stupid old dog very curious~ * Ah WAng : 'WtH, purposely bring me up and show me this little black things (webcam)~' *then i keep calling his name~ 'WAng~ WAng~' ... * Ah Wang 'ehh ? which stupid calling me? ' *Lastly, i think he recognised my voice. He keep looking around~* Ah Wang: 'ShiT! the devil balik jor?! Sei FOr ~ where is she~~~~~ >_ My sis carried he up and shows my face to he infront of the monitorafter that... he jadi macam ni.. *he SIEn Jor~ Langsung TAk mau choi me........* Ah Wang : 'aiya~ diam lar~ dun keep calling my name lar~  very annoying leh  ' .............贱狗...............

与世上最疼我的男人的对话 (延长篇)

今天是我第n 次打电话回家, 接电话的依然是妈妈~ Daugher: '妈, 你在做么。。' Mum: '呵呵, 我在看鬼戏。' Daughter: '爸爸leh?' Mum: ‘他也在看鬼戏’ Daughter: '叫他听电话下' Mum: '你等下'。。 爸爸接电话。。。 Dad:‘又怎么啦~’ (他总觉得我找他没好事。。。) Daugher:‘爸, 我10次打电话回来没有一次是你接的hor。。你女儿酱不重要哦’ Dad: ---傻笑-ing--- (还直接换话题~~) Dad:'你假期不要回来啦, 等下一两个礼拜又要眼红红回去, 何苦~' Daughter:'我不回去的话, 要花很多钱玩的wor。。。。' Dad: '这个不用担心,你 ‘努力’去玩。' (他竟然用 ‘努力’这个词) Daughter: 'hia... 酱你要‘ 努力’ (强调) 赚钱 wor~~' Dad:‘这没问题~’ --我心想.. 你讲的啊, 酱我就不跟你客气咯~ Blek~ Daughter: '酱爸啊, 你可以把我的kenali 寄过来吗?' (认真) Dad: 'mm....Accord吧, 要不要?' Daughter : 'har, 不用啦~ kenali 就可以了' (accord leh,我在窃喜当中, 还很认真的回答) Dad: ‘你妈说kenali 比较容易折起来寄给你’ 还一边笑一边讲 (妈~~~这个笑话已经说了n次了!真的不好笑~~ 你不知道我在认真当中吗??) 忽然间~~ 杀出妈妈的声音~ Mum: ‘ 你不要找这种无聊事做, 去做你的作业, 我们要看戏。。。’ 呜~~呜~~ 无言以对~~我爸竟然就这样非常顺手的把问题交给我妈做结论, 连再见也没和我说。。。无奈~ 算你狠啦~ ----------------------------------------------------- April 7, 忽然很想延续这篇blog。 已经连续两天和爸爸通电话了。 看来他还蛮在乎那天我说的话的。 人家说, 爸爸是女儿生命中第一个男人 , 所以啊, 往往我们找的对象, 会有...

新名字 ‘Summer’

我家的老外, Chris 好无聊。。。 前天在楼梯处遇到他, 他忽然把我叫住, 说要给我按个 English Name, 我跟他说,' I got a english Name la.. Cindy~~~' ..... 'Oh, really ...' 看来他真不知道neh..... 仔细想想, 他每次和我说话都没叫我名字。。。 臭小鬼。 结果他说 cindy 不好听, 要给我按个别的。。叫我期待. 呵呵, 我真好奇你这个平时老爱作弄我的人, 会给我按个什么好名字~ 结果老外做事真的很有效率, 昨天在common room 遇到他, 他说他终于想到了,就叫‘ Summer ’ a a a .....乌鸦飞过。。。。。。。。。 完全boh 'La LAnG' 一直到今天, 我终于想到要问他为什么 是' summer' ..... 他说,他觉得这个是好名字~ 我真的直接3条线~ >_ 什么嘛~~好烂的说法~~ 我还以为他会说我给人的感觉很阳光neh..... chEh~ 啊拉, 你们想说我想太多对不对, 我就知道~~~ 最后我在想, 那么我叫CInDY又有什么问题吗? 烂名? Sei Yan Chris~ 无聊啦你~

10pm's Dream

不知道是不是受了luku 的blog 影响, 我刚梦到了所有的人。 梦到Ti harng 不知为什么住在一个制服团体的asrama, then 晚上悄悄带我们一班lukuss 回去他的宿舍参观~~· 本来是夜深人静, 不会给人发现的。。。 manatau 有一个白痴, 跟下跟下, 会跟到别人, 进错房。。。结果那些人以为有人夜袭,全被吵醒了.... 好像看戏酱, 忽然间全体集合。。。。 最莫名奇妙的 。。。 我们这般luku 童军也跟着进队。 梦境总是乱槽槽的, 我们好像会便装的超人, 一瞬间都穿上制服了耶。。。 那班人终于相信我们是日行一善的童军~ 呼~ 人说, 把梦里不好的事情说出来就不会实现了~ 我就说好了。。。 Luku 在梦里哭了~~ 好可怜.. 她那时好静好静~ 几乎不像真实的她~ 希望她永远不会有这样的一刻~ 我想也不可能啦。。。 她怎么可能静得了。。。。 kekekeke Luku and mei yan ~~ 你们要加油! ~ 献上所有的好运给你们~~ Good Luck! 好运! Nasib Baik! Buona Fortuna! Buena Suerte! 행운을 빕니다! 还要么? 自己去找啦~ hehe

Zen rules for better living

Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow . Do not walk beside me either, just bugger off and leave me alone . THe joureny of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a flatTyRe . Sex is like air. It only becomes really important when you aren't getting any . Don't aspire to become IrRePlaceAble. If you can't be replaced , you Can't be Promoted. REmember , no one is listening until you let on rip . Never FOrget that you are unique , liKe EvEryOne else . Never Test the depth of the water with BOth Feet . If you think nobody care whether you're dead or alive, try missing a couple of rEnt Payment . If at first you don't succeed, AvoiD SKydiVing. Have you ever lent someone a 20 and never seen that person again? It was probably WOrth it . If You tell the Truth , You don't Have to RemEmber AnythinG . Good judgement comes from experience , experience comes from bAd JudgemeNt . When we are born we a...

Understanding your lecturers~

What are lecturers really saying? @ Generally .......... means I'm the only person who believes this @ I think that ....... means Nobody else agrees with me @ Incidentally ...... means I've just remember a good story @ In the not-too distant future .......... means It's never going to happen @ People think ..... means I don't know what I think @ Perhaps this .... means Perhaps it doesn't @ Reportedly ........ means I need to give my words some extra wegiht @ Simply put ......... means Everything before has been a lot of waffle @ Supposely .......... means This definitely isn't true @ In my honest opinion ......... means I don't believe a word of this @ The point I am trying to make ........ means No-one is listening